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Kozminski University



Improving across multiple dimensions

“The community of Kozminski University has, since day one of the war, expressed solidarity with and provided support to Ukraine and its citizens.” Gregorz Mazurek, Dean, Kozminski Business School
On Friday, 25th February 2022, Kozminski University opened the University to incoming civilian refugees. Together with the Ukrainian House in Warsaw of the Our Choice Foundation (NGO), the school created the first 24-hour Support Point in Warsaw. Refugees received here initial humanitarian and legal support. The initiative welcomed 340 families, including 600 adults and almost 500 children, 1,336 volunteers registered, among them many students at Kozminski University. The University was able to offer 3,000 places of accommodation provided by the residents of Warsaw. Volunteers were involved in an ongoing information campaign on social media for Ukrainians crossing the border. The coordinators were highly efficient in managing the cars, drivers, volunteers, and accommodation database.

The university’s action sparked a wave of kindness. Within a few days, local businesses and Warsaw residents delivered about 5 tons of food, hygiene products, blankets, clothes, products for children, and pet food to the university. The gifts exceeded the demand many times over, all surplus we sent back to Ukraine. With support from the school’s graduates, Kozminski has provided over 2000 medical kits, 300 sleeping bags, and 500 pillows to the Ukrainian territorial defense. Soon, the University will also be donating a mobile operating table with battery-powered lamps, thanks to the commitment of the Getinge company.

Closing part of the university, including a complete shutdown of the library, and reading area, where people stayed overnight and a kindergarten operated, was met with complete understanding from Kozminski’s community. KU employees and students devoted a lot of personal time and energy to help. After a week, the city authorities mobilized the aid on a larger scale. As a result, the university closed its receiving point and focused on other forms of support for Ukraine.

The school set up fundraising through the Kozminski Foundation, which provides funds to Kozminski students, graduates, employees, and their families affected by the war in Ukraine. The school also initiated a blood donation action for the injured and gathered supplies to help animals that suffered from the war.
Kozminski University decided to launch activities to support its Ukrainian partners. These include providing three refugee staff members who coordinate student and faculty work at Krok University (Kyiv) with space in Kozminski Library and establishing temporary offices for them. Ukrainian students, employees, and their families have been offered support from the Kozminski University Legal Office, particularly concerning the legalization process of their stay in Poland, as well as the support in personal well-being provided by the staff of the KU Wellbeing Office and qualified specialists from MindMed Institute of Psychotherapy.

Kozminski University has organized scientific conferences during which KU professors explain the unlawful actions of Russia and the possible consequences of war in the light of international law. Discussion includes scenarios of changes in the global economy caused by numerous crises ranging from humanitarian to migration, energy, and financial ones. In cooperation with the Institute for Social and Economic Enquiry (iSEE), New Europeans, and Media Dialogue, they organized the "New Dawn" initiative, a series of roundtable discussions on the European integration of Ukraine and its future reconstruction.

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