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Kozminski University



Insights from schools moving from Level 3 to 4

The school reports that its success is mostly about consistently building awareness and cultivating openness for collaboration. Prof. Grzegorz Mazurek, PhD, Rector of Kozminski University explains:

First, we communicate our program of striving for sustainable development for 2020-2030 to our stakeholders. And then, our focus on positive impact had an internal effect too. Our faculty knows that the PIR measurement of the impact of our actions and our student's opinions is crucial. We are proud to see that the projects incorporated into our strategy are carried out not only by university offices but also by our students. The experienced team of the Green Kozminski organization supports our sustainable efforts and raises awareness among their peers. They were the ones who were mainly responsible for the dissemination of the PIR survey.

The Impact of Kozminski University is about showing trust and responsibility. It has made it possible to integrate the Positive Impact Rating perspective in the heart of the Kozminski community. We've seen a lot of energy and plenty of ideas and initiatives materializing in the last few months; I'd say they even gained momentum because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

And even though we faced many challenges and constraints due to the pandemic, it wasn't that difficult to promote KU's sustainable values by starting various initiatives. For instance, to support the mental health of our students and employees, we launched well-being consultations. As for our business environment, Kozminski provided entrepreneurs with online consultation sessions. And we offered extensive support to local NGOs.

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