EAE Business School is committed to train responsible leaders and has developed a sustainability plan which is directly linked to SDGs. It consists of three pillars and has created a strong student recognition for the school’s sustainability culture and efforts. A part of EAE’s secret to success may lie in its strong women representation (53% of students and 40% of the faculty). The Women Initiative EAE celebrates the Top 10 Female Entrepreneurs in Catalonia to destroy the gender gap in leadership.
The ‘People Impulse’ pillar accelerates the positive drive of the EAE community which is a part of the school’s DNA and present when dealing with all stakeholders. It builds on a strong diversity culture as a result of 70% international students from 103 countries, creating a multiplicity of ideas, origins and ways of life.
The ‘Community Impact’ pillar fosters the positive impact of the student talent within the school, first in the classroom and then as EAE Alumni. This includes promoting innovative ideas with a positive impact on society and the planet. EAE hosts the Impact Awards featuring more than 80 high-impact entrepreneurial ventures from 12 countries.
The pillar ‘Positive Relations’ strives to boost social discussion and the creation of synergies between the key social agents to drive positive transformations. For example, at the 4YFN23, the school brought together our entrepreneurial alumni and students to showcase their talent in front of more than 88,000 attendees.
Implementing these three pillars includes ensuring that ESG criteria form an integral part of EAE’s educational experience and feature prominently in all challenges, hands-on activities, courses and bachelor and master thesis. Sustainability in research is reflected by EAE leading the third edition of the Observatory of Sustainability in Ibero-America, tracking sustainability on both sides of the Atlantic.